About Us

EPF continues to procure finance for it’s clients new property transactions but also advises them on the re-structuring of their existing facilities.

Advice and Procurement of New Debt

EPF advises on and procures term investment loans for acquisition and re-financing, along with construction and development finance. It works across all the property sectors from retail to offices, logistics to hotels.


Senior debt:

With its network of contacts in the capital markets and its knowledge of the latest initiatives and players, EPF is able to procure the optimal senior debt for a particular project.


Mezzanine / Preferred Equity:

With its network of contacts in the capital markets and its knowledge of the latest initiatives and players, EPF is able to procure the optimal senior debt for a particular project.


Equity Participation:

With its network of contacts in the capital markets and its knowledge of the latest initiatives and players, EPF is able to procure the optimal senior debt for a particular project.


On account of the changes in the capital markets, opportunities still prevail to negotiate with creditors to create a more efficient capital structure.

Using its knowledge of the capital markets and its understanding of lenders capabilities, EPF is able to advise clients on the best approach to existing debt facilities.